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We open our doors to all persons to join in

worship, fellowship, educational programs, and service.


We welcome into membership all who profess faith in Jesus Christ

without regard to gender, age, ethnic origin, socio-economic status,

sexual orientation, disability, or any other human condition.


We elect and ordain as leaders in the church persons who are called by God

and commited to serving the Lord Jesus Christ in the church.


~ Adopted by the Session, May 18, 2009 ~

Westminster Presbyterian Church

1515 Helen Avenue

Portage, MI 49002



telephone:  269-344-3966


Church Office Hours

      Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 

            9:00 am - 4:30 pm


The main church entrance is the door in the middle of the building.  The most accessible entrance is the portico entrance at the back of the building (turn right at entrance to parking lot and drive around the building).  Please call us if you have questions or need assistance.


          1515 Helen Avenue Portage, MI 49002                                    


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