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Westminster Presbyterian Church

Living a Whole Life in Response to God

Join us for worship every Sunday at 9:30 am

Our Sunday morning worship service is now both in-person and livestreamed. 


Our 2024-25 worship theme is


Communion is the 1st Sunday of each month.​

Children & Worship is for children aged 4 through 4th grade,

three Sundays a month, September through May.​


Facebook Livestreaming

Welcome Statement

We open our doors to all persons to join in worship, fellowship, educational programs, and service.

We welcome into membership all who profess faith

in Jesus Christ without regard to gender, age, race, ethnic origin, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, disability, or any other human condition.

Earth Care Congrgation
Presbyterian Church USA Rainbow Logo
Matthew 25 Congregation
Warming Center

Need a warm place to rest or want to help serve your community?

The Westminster Warming Center is now open in our gym every Tuesday and Thursday from

10 am- 2pm through the last week of March. We offer a warm meal, a friendly welcome, and essential services for our unhoused neighbors. Volunteers are needed—send us a message for details, and check in at church for our current donation list.


Stay up to date with all that’s happening at Westminster Presbyterian Church! Our newsletter is packed with updates, upcoming events, mission opportunities,

and inspiring stories from our community.

The Core Values which guide our ministry are:

Inspiring Worship, Compassionate Service,

Mind & Spirit, Arts & Music, and Earth Care.

Westminster Presbyterian Church

Art Festival One Planet

13th Annual

April 26 - June 12, 2025


Visual artists and poets are invited to submit work on the theme "ONE PLANET."


Poetry submissions:  March 1 - April 7, 2025
Visual art submissions: March 31 - April 7


The Westminster Art Festival is an annual independently-juried presentation of visual art and poetry on an environmental theme, open to artists of any or no faith tradition.  

Westminster Presbyterian Church in Portage Michigan

Intention Statement

At Westminster Church, we live a whole life in response to God attentively together engaging the world for the good of all following Jesus Christ. ​


Adopted by the Session, April 2011

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